Divíšek, Čermák a Bičánek střílí na branku
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![Robert Dowd (KOR - GBR 4-1)](http://img.youtube.com/vi/5ARCVgCMeLk/default.jpg)
Robert Dowd (KOR - GBR 4-1)
The only British scoring shooter in the key game against South Korea is talking about unsuccesfull championship for GB./Jediný Britský střelec klíčového utkání s Jižní Koreou hovoří o neúspěšném šampionátu.
20.04.2013 | Repre
![Korean coach Byun Sun Wook (KOR - GBR 4-1)](http://img.youtube.com/vi/LDcjZcSUZvU/default.jpg)
Korean coach Byun Sun Wook (KOR - GBR 4-1)
South Korean coach tlaking emotivly about the victory against Great Britan. The victory means that South Korea can participate in Division I group A in next year.
20.04.2013 | Repre
![Alexander Egger (ITA - HUN 2-1)](http://img.youtube.com/vi/AkXh8ZGRQCE/default.jpg)
Alexander Egger (ITA - HUN 2-1)
Italian capitan talking about victory against Hungary and also about the moving up to the A pool.
20.04.2013 | Repre
![Shumi Babayev (manager of Kazachstan team KAR - KO](http://img.youtube.com/vi/05YuxVl-vcw/default.jpg)
Shumi Babayev (manager of Kazachstan team KAR - KO
Manager of Kazachstan team talking about victory against South Korea
19.04.2013 | Repre
![Balasz Goz (HUN - KAZ 2-1)](http://img.youtube.com/vi/p9jMIt2zO-Q/default.jpg)
Balasz Goz (HUN - KAZ 2-1)
Balasz Goz hodnotí vyhrané utkání nad Kazachstránem./Balasz Goz talking about a great Hungarian Victory against Kazachstran.
19.04.2013 | Repre
Hráči Komety - Leoš Čermák, Radim Bičánek a Tomáš Divíšek - si po tréninku letní přípravy 2012/2013 střílí na branku v KAJOT ARENĚ.
Další videa
Na webu HC Kometa Brno
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